Heroes & Generals Wiki

Zuallererst sollte beachtet werden, dass Heroes and Generals aus zwei Elementen besteht. Das erste Element ist das Action Spiel, an dem man als Soldat teilnimmt und die eigentlichen Kämpfe in einem 2 Weltkriegs-FPS Spiel austrägt. Während dieses Spiels müssen bestimmte Punkte erobert und gehalten werden, um das Spiel zu gewinnen. Der FPS Teil wird dabei von Generälen erstellt, die wiederum Heroes and Generals als ein RTS (Real Time Strategy) Spiel auf einer Europa Karte spielen. Die Generäle bewegen dabei ihre Angriffsteams auf der Karte, um Nachschublinien und Städte anzugreifen oder zu verteidigen. Der RTS Teil wird dabei durch die Nutzung von Angriffsteams der Generäle bestimmt, was wiederum heißt, das im Action Spiel nur die Angriffsteams vorhanden sind, die die Generäle in den Kampf geschickt haben. Eine Ausnahme hiervon bilden die Trainingskämpfe, in denen alle Seiten die gleiche Anzahl an Angriffsteams haben.

Quick Links[ | ]

  • Controls and Keybinds
  • Action Game Mechanics

frequently asked questions[ | ]

Can you play just the Hero or General portion of the game?

Everyone can play the Heroes (FPS) part of the game, however to play the Generals (RTS) part , you will need to get a character to rank 12, which gains you a command point, and purchase an assault team (with Warfunds earned in the Action Game).

How do I spot enemies for my allies?

In the game you spot enemy combatants, by aiming at one for 3 seconds, identifying them on the map and in the game for your team mates.

How do you find and add friends to your friends list?

First you need to know your friends name or a portion of the name. Then simply click on the friends icon at the bottom left corner of the window (steam or web). On the next screen in the Search For Friends box, click on the box and type a portion of the name and click the search button. When the list of friends with those matching name or portion of name come up, find your friend and click on the ( + ) symbol. They will now show up on the right side as being in your friends list and green when they are online.

How can I talk to my friend?

If your friend is online, you can double-click their name in the friends list, and a private chat between you and them will open on the left. If your friend is not online, however, this will not work; the only way to communicate with an offline friend is to send them a message. The message window can be opened by clicking the envelope in the top left corner. If you wish to reply to a previous message someone has sent you, select their message thread on the right side of the window, and click Reply in the bottom left of the window. If you are creating a new message, click New Message in the top left of the window. On the right side will be a list of your friends, select the friend(s) you wish to message. On the right side, an area will appear for you to type your message and its title. When you have finished, press Send Message in the bottom right.

Why can't I invite my friends to a squad?

This is one of the most common questions. There are many reasons why you cannot do this and some of them are outlined in the Squads section.
  1. Your friend does not have a soldier of the squad type for the squad faction.
  2. Your friend is currently in another squad.

Game Types[ | ]

The game currently has two types of game modes. These are Assault and Skirmish. When players are playing through the campaign map, the the skirmishes can be noted by the smaller circles surrounding the city (larger circles). In order to assault a town, the skirmish must first be played outside the town for control over the supply line into the city.

Modes[ | ]

In the assault game-mode one team is attacking and one team is defending. It should be noted that players can join these game types through the campaign map or the training missions. The training missions do not affect the outcome of the war and are created to have equal assault teams per side and quicker match availability to players. When playing through the training missions both attacking and defending sides will have the same type and number of assault teams to select from making for a more balanced match. When playing through the campaign mission, the type and amount of assault teams can greatly vary depending on the generals and officers who send assault teams to those specific cities on the campaign map.

Maps[ | ]

  1. Assault / Defend
    1. Town
    2. Mountain Town
    3. Factory
    4. Airfield
  2. Skirmish
    1. Hill Skirmish
    2. Forest Skirmish
    3. Village Skirmish